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Live the Gospel! Whatever it Takes.
STEWARDSHIP—Let your light shine in color!
I have to admit, I never was (and probably never will be) a morning person, but this past week I strangely had no problems getting up even before my alarm. Matter of fact, I could not wait to be out there, in the midst of God’s magnificent creation, in the state of an absolute amazement with the beauty surrounding me everywhere.
Each morning, I felt a new sense of an excitement waiting for the vibrant colors to emerge from the laziness of the morning fog and to come to life with the first ray of the rising sun.
What a beauty! What a gift! What an awesome God we have!!!
This is a true root of a stewardship in each of us. It starts with that deep sense of appreciation first of all, for the gift of undeserved but unconditional love of God the Father and second of all, for everything we have: talents, time, and possessions. Gratitude in turn creates in us a sense of urgency and a call to action, so we do not waste our gifts, but use them for the Glory of God.
“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed” (Luke 8:16). As God’s children we need to let our light shine and inspire others to do the same.
This fall, we will once again be asked to fill out our stewardship forms for the upcoming year. As you go about choosing your commitments, please take a look at the impressive list of our parish ministries. This year we even managed to add a few new ones!
There is something for everyone . . . and no, it is not all about money. Again, I had to mention it, because for many of us the term “stewardship” means financial donation. Believe me, it doesn’t.
By staying in this mind set we are totally missing the whole idea. It is talents, time, and then possessions. The Church only gives us general rules in this matter, refer to the “giving chart” on back cover, but it is truly up to each and every one of us to exercise our God given free will, pray about it and let God lead us where we are needed.
We are all really blessed with a great parish, amazing talents, and parishioners full of the stewardship spirit. We need to celebrate that together! This year we are having a Stewardship Appreciation Sunday Breakfast complete with prizes. I hope to see you all there!
We all have gifts of different colors, we all bloom and change at different times, we all need each other . . . that’s the beauty of creation. This year, when the stewardship forms appear in the pews, please pray about it, fill one out and let your light shine in full color.
God’s Blessings. Ewa Papciak, Disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ
Minister of Alter (Server) - Assist priest during Mass.
Minister of The Word (Lector) - Proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical services.
Minister of Eucharist - Distribute the Body or Blood of Christ during Mass/clean vessels after.
Minister of Hospitality (Usher) - Welcome and seat people before Mass, take collections, direct parishioners during Communion distribution, tidy pews after Mass, attend emergency response training.
Music Ministry - Choose from singing in the choir, playing piano or any other instrument during Sunday Mass, holidays and/or funeral Masses.
Leader of Prayer - Lead Prayer at the nursing home on Friday mornings.
Adoration Anchor - Set up for Eucharistic Adoration or close at the end or commit to one hour.
Prayer Line - Participate in a chain of prayer by praying for monthly intentions included in the prayer line monthly letter, and help with the lay-out if needed.
Florence Health Services (Nursing Home) - Help set up for Friday morning services.
Lead Rosary or Stations of the Cross
PASTORAL COUNCIL Attend monthly Council meetings to discuss the pastoral and spiritual needs of our parishioners, volunteer for Council projects, take part in creating parish newsletter.
FINANCE COUNCIL Attend Council meetings to discuss financial state of the parish, help establish and monitor the budget, approve spending, present budget to the parishioners.
MONEY COUNTER (MINIMUM AGE 18) Stay after Mass to count, record and deposit collections.
BUILDING COMMITTEE Determine the needs of our building and help keep it in good condition.
ART AND ENVIRONMENT TEAM Help plan, create and set up decorations inside and outside of church, taking care of houseplants and flower beds.
WATERING AND CARING FOR FLOWERBEDS Water and care for the flowerbeds outside of church for a few weeks during the summer as part of a team.
CLEANING Be a part of a team which cleans the worship space, office center, restrooms and/or parish hall on a regular basis.
GENERAL REPAIR/WOODWORKING PROJECTS Help with needed repairs, painting, woodworking or other improvement projects as needed.
MOWING of lawns and trimming around the church or the cemetery.
BABYSITTING Provide child care, so parents are able to attend formation or other parish events.
RUNNING ERRANDS OR GENERAL OFFICE HELP Assist parish secretary in day-to-day tasks.
CEMETERY COMMITTEE Help oversee the needs of the cemetery.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE Help with sorting, pricing and check-out at the store while also witnessing to others your relationship with Jesus Christ.
PHOTOGRAPHY Take pictures during parish events.
PRAYER & LEARNING TEAM Help plan and implement ideas to help parishioners and non-parishioners deepen their faith so as to be armed for the mission of the New Evangelization.
RCIA CATECHIST Work with people preparing for initiation into the Catholic Church
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (PRE-K TO GRADE 2) Lead prayer and Bible lessons for children during Sunday morning Mass (during Liturgy of the Word only).
CATECHIST (GRADES 1-11), WEDNESDAYS OR SUNDAYS Prepare for and teach religion classes to the youth of our parish, and attend Virtus training.
YES! FACILITATOR Facilitate Scripture Study with confirmation students and sponsors or other adults.
YOUTH EVENT CHAPERONE/DRIVER Help with youth events and/or offer transportation.
ALPHA COORDINATOR Work with the pastoral council to plan and facilitate ALPHA course evenings.
ADULT FORMATION GROUP COORDINATOR Choose materials for adult formation and facilitate group participation.
FOCCUS MARRIAGE PREP COUPLE Be trained to offer FOCCUS assessments and work with the engaged couple to fulfill requirements for the sacrament.
YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS Plan and/or chaperone youth during diocesan or national youth events.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE Assist the parish in serving our Friends in Need through meetings, prayer and home visits.
HUMAN DIGNITY MISSION Work as part of a team in building relationships between our parish and our sister parish in Kingston, Jamaica. Visits to the parish can be part of this ministry.
HOSPITALITY & OUTREACH TEAM Help plan and implement events/socials/lunches in the areas of outreach and hospitality.
SNACK COORDINATOR Plan for and distribute snacks before religion classes on Wednesdays.
WEDNESDAY EVENING MEAL Prepare a meal for our Wednesday evening religious ed. classes.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Knit or crochet prayer shawls for those who are suffering.
MONTHLY SOCIALS/BREAKFASTS Assist in areas of set-up, serving and/or clean-up for our monthly socials and special occasion breakfasts.
FUNERAL LUNCHEONS Make dishes for funerals.
FUNERAL LUNCHEON TEAM Coordinate and/or help with set up, serving and clean-up.
SPECIAL EVENTS Help plan, organize and coordinate a special event such as a dinner, or retreat etc.
TRANSPORT TO CHURCH Help parishioners in need to get to and from church.
VISITING ANGELS Visit the homebound as part of a team.